Building The Community We Wish To Be.

The Student Integrity Contract is students’ commitment to upholding the College’s Community Standards. All students must sign the Integrity Contract upon matriculating to the College. Doing so signifies their commitment to a code of honor that fosters moral growth and upholds academic and personal integrity.


We the students of Trinity College believe that as individual undergraduates we must assume responsibility for upholding our standards of academic integrity and social conduct. This document articulates those standards upon which the Trinity community can promote an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect in which scholarly work and learning thrive. With this document, the Trinity College student body, in accordance with the mission statement of the College, declares its commitment to a code of honor that fosters moral growth and upholds academic and personal integrity. By signing this document, each matriculated student commits to act with honor and integrity at Trinity College.

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

Part I: Academic Life

Article I: Academic Rights and Freedoms

According to the mission statement of Trinity College, excellence in liberal arts education relies on critical thinking, freeing the mind from parochialism and prejudice, and encouraging students to lead examined lives. Free inquiry and free expression are essential for the attainment of these goals. Therefore, we deem it necessary to establish the basic rights and freedoms of the students of Trinity College. Fair grading, protection against improper disclosure, and protection of freedom of association are guaranteed under this contract.

Article II: Academic Integrity and Intellectual Dishonesty

By choosing to matriculate at Trinity College, we have entered an academic community that thrives on its small size, student-professor interaction, and the free flow of ideas.

Our academic community can only thrive if each of us maintains the highest standards of academic integrity. Intellectual honesty is doing our own work and fully crediting the work of others if we use their ideas in our own work. Each student is responsible for knowing what constitutes intellectual honesty in every examination, quiz, paper, lab report, or academic exercise submitted for evaluation at Trinity College. Specific examples of academic dishonesty are listed in the Student Handbook. (p. 13.)

While we are each ultimately responsible for our personal conduct, we also have a responsibility to one another to uphold high standards. Therefore, each student is strongly urged to report suspected cases of academic dishonesty to the Honor Council.

Part II: Social Life

The principles of honor, responsibility, and self-governance shall extend beyond the classrooms of this College. Though the rules of the College apply to students as stated in the Student Handbook, the establishment of the Student Integrity Contract shall make students accountable to each other.

We shall govern ourselves sensibly and support our peers so that they also behave accordingly. As socially responsible and intelligent adults, we shall take responsibility for our actions in social situations and shall conduct ourselves maturely and safely. As students in an academically engaged and socially active environment, we understand that drinking at social events carries responsibilities not only for ourselves but also for our peers. Detrimental behavior that results from alcohol abuse such as belligerence, destruction of College property, and sexual assault shall not be tolerated.

Honor Councils

Part I: Charge of the Honor Councils

It is the responsibility of the Honor Council and the Academic Dishonesty Appeals Board to adjudicate cases in their jurisdiction following the College procedures. (p. 47.)

Part II: Membership, Election, and Tenure

The full Honor Council will comprise students who have been elected by campuswide election. Each position will be for a year-long term beginning in the fall and elected the previous spring.

The Dean of Students Office and the Office of Campus Life will be responsible for training the members of the council on judicial procedures and principles of fundamental fairness. This training must occur in the initial weeks of the fall semester.

In the spring semester, the student body will be asked to nominate candidates for the Honor Council. Nominated students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing (i.e., not on censure, academic probation, or having any history of suspension from the College) in order to be eligible for service on the
Honor Council.

A campus-wide election will be held each year to elect the members of the following year’s Honor Council. Students will be able to vote for nominees of their choice to serve on the council. Winners of this election will be notified shortly after the election.

Students serving on the Honor Council must remain in good academic and disciplinary standing for the duration of their term of service.

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